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an opulent palace parlor with gold trimmings and burgundy decor
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Hey, Friends

Step into a world where we help you embrace your personal power, explore ways to take good care of yourself (emotionally), teach you communication skills for healthier interpersonal relationships, and introduce you to other growth minded individuals who appreciate every part of this journey. Ready to discover the wonderful world inside you? Put on your crown, and let's start this amazing journey together.

jerusalem brown, psychotherapist
Hi, I'm Jerusalem Brown!
  • The heart and soul behind this wellness space.

  • A mix of mental health passion, artsy vibes, and a love for music and all things emerald green.

🎓 Beyond the Titles:
  • Sure, I'm a licensed psychotherapist, a nationally certified counselor,  a psychology professor, and a therapeutic art life coach.

  • But more than that, I'm on a personal journey just like you – I'm a therapist with her own therapist.

Why MHM?
  • I'm walking the healing journey,  too, so I totally get it.

  • Have you ever felt unseen or like your loved ones don’t quite grasp your therapy journey? I've been there.

What's in MHM for You?
  • A safe haven for growth, mastering emotions, and deepening relationships.

  • Explore rich resources: engaging blogs, interactive forums, and heartwarming support groups.

  • I combine my professional insights and personal experiences for transformative conversations.

Your Personal Invite:
  • Ready to explore? Consider this your golden ticket to join us.

  • Let’s embrace personal growth and emotional self-mastery together.

Jerusalem Brown, LPC, NCC

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A New Era In Mental Health

Self-Awareness + Mental Authority + Emotional Self-Control = Mental Health Royalty

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Reign Your Inner Kingdom: Personal Power On Demand!

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Statistics Show...

Mental Health Monarchs - MHM logo

Positive outcomes related to supportive online environments like MHM:

  • Reduction in Symptoms: Studies show a significant decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms for participants in online support groups.

  • Improved Social Connectedness: As documented in peer-reviewed research, online mental health communities contribute to a greater sense of social belonging.

  • Enhanced Self-Efficacy: Active engagement in online mental health forums can boost individual coping skills and confidence in managing mental health conditions.

golden royal crown with jewels

Do you know the skills you need to become
"Mental Health Royalty?"

Dive into MHM's Mini-Game
to Find Out! 

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"Mental Health Royalty" Mini Game

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Take Center Stage

Join MHM, where you're not just a member,
You're the shining star of your own story!!!

group of royal African Americans dressed regally in burgundy and gold
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Blog Posts

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opulent closet full of royal burgundy and emerald green clothes lined with gold
Antique Cash Register with wood base and brass body


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Image by Mert Kahveci

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